Golden Dawners were acting as if there was no police presence, eye witness testifies

Victim’s father demands to know who called the murderer



The funeral of the 34-years-old antifascist musician Pavlos Fyssas, who fell dead after being stabbed by right-winger G. Roupakias in P. Tsaldari Street in Amfiali in Wednesday night is being held today at 11 am in the cemetery of Shisto.

The murder was confessed by the 45-year-old right-winger, after he was arrested. Furthermore, G. Roupakias admitted he is a member of Golden Dawn, in the offices of which was hanging around at up to 10 times a month.

As friends of G. Roupakias say, he was even getting paid by Golden Dawn.

Even though he testified that he was hanging around at the café when everything started, his wife testified that “at the time of the football match he was at home with me, when he received a call from an unknown person and immediately after that he drove to the spot where the bloody conflict took place”.

Pavlos Fyssas’s father, talking on Mega Channel on Thursday morning, asked publicly from the Police to trace down the call that the murderer received.

At the same time, Mr Fyssas accused the Police for having a weak reaction at the time of the conflict, by saying that the Police could have intervened and prevented the killing.

Something similar was testified by an eye-witness who said the policemen of DIAS group were present even before the conflict erupted. He also described that one of the friends of Pavlos Fyssas’ was badly beaten by the Golden Dawners. Pavlos asked the girls to leave the spot to prevent their involvement in trouble.

The witness’s wife asked Pavlos: “Are they having a quarrel over football?”, and he replied: “No Madam, they are from the Golden Dawn”

“There were about thirty of them, most dressed up with clothes from the same store, black t-shirts and military trousers”.

“They were acting as if there was no police around. They just did not care at all”.

Translated from ‘To vima’ newspaper website:

One thought on “Golden Dawners were acting as if there was no police presence, eye witness testifies

  1. Pingback: Greek Golden Dawn nazis deny Holocaust | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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