Greece asylum: Journey through a broken system (BBC + videos)

From the report:

“They hit, they stole things. We thought if they found an immigrant they would kill him, because they are fascists. They came in with a load of people and the police had to stop them from entering in the factory. Because we are immigrants, we are nothing. What are you going to do if 20 people come for one person?”



The Greek asylum system has come in for so much stick that, this year, finally it is set to be revamped. In 2011 Greece lost a European Court case, and was found to be in breach of the Convention on Human Rights, over the conditions under which detainees are being held. Now there is to be a new asylum system, separate from the police, and run by former UNHCR lawyer, Maria Stavropoulou.

Read the complete article and watch the relevant videos on BBC’s website:

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